PDO Threads for Body Contouring: Can They Tighten Loose Skin?

PDO Threads for Body Contouring: Can They Tighten Loose Skin?

PDO Threads by On The Glow Medical Spa Tampa Avenue, Porter Ranch CA

PDO threads have emerged as a notable option for those seeking to enhance their body’s contours without resorting to invasive surgery. This technique, which involves the insertion of biodegradable threads under the skin to induce collagen production and tightening, offers a less invasive alternative with a quicker recovery time. As individuals age, the skin’s elasticity diminishes, often leading to a desire for rejuvenation methods that do not involve lengthy downtime or significant discomfort. 

PDO thread lifts cater to this need, presenting a method that straddles the line between non-invasive treatments and surgical procedures. With a growing interest in aesthetic enhancements that promise subtle changes with minimal intervention, understanding the capabilities and limitations of PDO threads is essential for those considering their options for body contouring.

The Science Behind PDO Threads

Polydioxanone (PDO) threads are a clinical advancement utilized in thread lift procedures, a treatment designed to lift and tighten the skin subtly. Originating from the medical suturing field, these threads are known for their safety and biocompatibility, which means the body readily accepts them without causing adverse reactions.

The science behind PDO threads is grounded in their composition and the body’s natural healing response. PDO is a synthetic fiber that dissolves over time and has been used safely for decades in cardiac surgeries. When these threads are introduced into the dermis, they act as a scaffold that helps to support the tissues and keep them in a lifted position. Over time, as the threads dissolve, they stimulate the body’s fibroblasts to produce more collagen, the protein that gives skin structure and elasticity.

Collagen is pivotal in the skin’s ability to stay firm and youthful. As the skin ages, collagen production decreases, leading to sagging and wrinkles. By stimulating collagen production, PDO threads help to improve the skin’s texture and firmness. This process, known as neocollagenesis, is the cornerstone of the thread lift’s effectiveness.

The threads come in various textures, which can be smooth, twisted, or barbed. Each type is designed for specific uses and effects, from providing a rejuvenating effect to more significant lifting. The choice of thread type and the pattern in which they are placed can be tailored to the patient’s needs and the specific areas of the targeted skin.

The PDO Thread Lift Procedure

PDO thread lift procedure is less invasive than surgical alternatives; it is still a medical procedure that requires a trained professional to ensure safety and effectiveness. The exact steps can vary based on individual patient needs and the specific techniques the practitioner employs.

1. Consultation and Planning

  • Initial assessment by a qualified practitioner to discuss goals and suitability.
  • Mapping of the treatment area to determine the optimal placement of PDO threads.

2. Preparation

  • The treatment area is cleaned and disinfected to prevent infection.
  • A topical numbing cream may be applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

3. Anesthesia

  • Local anesthesia is administered to the treatment areas to ensure a pain-free experience.

4. Insertion of Threads

  • Fine needles or cannulas are used to insert the PDO threads under the skin.
  • The practitioner carefully places the threads in predetermined directions to achieve the desired lift.

5. Manipulation for Lift

  • Once the threads are in place, the practitioner may slightly compress or manipulate the skin to reshape it by pulling the threads.

6. Securing the Threads

  • The threads are anchored in the subcutaneous layer of the skin.
  • Excess threads are trimmed as needed.

7. Recovery and Aftercare

  • Immediate post-procedure care includes applying ice to reduce swelling and instructions on maintaining the lift as the threads settle.
  • Patients are advised on activities to avoid, such as vigorous exercise or massaging the treated area.

8. Follow-Up

  • A follow-up appointment is usually scheduled to monitor the healing process and assess the procedure’s outcome.

9. Post-Procedure Monitoring

  • The patient is advised to monitor for any signs of complications and to report any concerns to the practitioner immediately.

10. Long-Term Care

  • Recommendations for skincare and lifestyle adjustments to maintain the effects of the lift are provided.

Who’s A Good Candidate?

A good candidate for PDO thread lifts is someone experiencing early signs of aging with mild to moderate skin laxity who desires a firmer, more youthful appearance without the risks or downtime of surgery. Typically, individuals in their 30s to 60s, with skin that retains some elasticity, will see the best results. Health-wise, candidates should be free from conditions that impede healing or increase the risk of complications. Potential patients must have realistic expectations—understanding that the subtle enhancements from PDO threads will not mirror the dramatic effects of a surgical facelift. A consultation with a qualified practitioner is essential to assess suitability and align treatment goals with achievable outcomes.


Aftercare following a PDO thread lift is critical for ensuring the best possible results and minimizing the risk of complications. After the procedure, patients are typically advised to follow several key guidelines:

  • Avoid Strenuous Activities: Patients should refrain from vigorous exercise and heavy lifting for at least a week to prevent accidentally dislodging the threads.
  • Gentle Skincare: The treated area should be treated with care; harsh scrubbing or aggressive skincare treatments should be avoided.
  • Minimize Facial Movements: For the first few days, patients may be advised to limit facial movements (like chewing or talking excessively) and facial expressions to allow the threads to settle.
  • Sleeping Position: It is often recommended to sleep on the back to avoid putting pressure on the face that could cause the threads to move.
  • Avoiding Certain Dental Procedures: Dental work that requires opening the mouth wide can impact the results of a thread lift, so such procedures should be postponed if possible.
  • Sun Protection: Protecting the skin from the sun is always important, especially after a thread lift, as the healing skin is more susceptible to damage.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Attending scheduled follow-up appointments allows the practitioner to monitor the healing process and address concerns.
  • Cold Compresses: Applying ice packs can help reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Avoiding Certain Substances: Alcohol, which can increase swelling, and certain supplements or medications that can increase the risk of bleeding should be avoided.

By adhering to these aftercare instructions, patients can help ensure a smooth recovery and optimize the longevity of their PDO thread lift results.


Ready to rediscover your skin’s natural firmness and say goodbye to sagging contours? On The Glow Medspa is your destination for transformation. Our expert team is at the forefront of the latest advancements in non-surgical rejuvenation, including the innovative PDO thread lift procedure. Don’t wait to turn back the clock on your appearance. Contact us or set an appointment, and let us help you achieve the confidence of glowing, contoured skin. Your journey to a refreshed, revitalized look starts here!

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